
1153 lines
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Raw Normal View History

## [2.3.1]( (2021-11-30)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Show subject name on Hjärntorget timetable ([b3df527](
chore(release): 2.3.0 [skip ci] # [2.3.0]( (2021-11-30) ### Bug Fixes * 🐛 added dist to ignore ([1230825]( * 🐛 Added projects to nx ([c88b25a]( * 🐛 error loading SKOLA24_CHILDREN SAML ([508b079]( * 🐛 Fix failing tests ([8d9cfe2]( * 🐛 Fixes inheritance from [@skolplattformen-api]( ([ba45cfd]( * 🐛 Fixes issue with package.json in hjarntorget ([e2e1ff8]( * 🐛 Fixes lint errors ([e19c8a7]( * 🐛 Fixes news title, lowered font size on header ([7df15d3]( * 🐛 Fixes tests, added esModuleInterop true to tsconfig ([6383795]( * 🐛 Fixes TS config + lint etc ([4663269]( * 🐛 Fixes TSconfig for all projects ([24c1624]( * 🐛 Fixes tsconfig in api-hjarntorget ([b641486]( * 🐛 merge ([d26fd62]( * 🐛 merge conflict ([cafe6ec]( * 🐛 Merge with master ([9d21341]( * 🐛 Readded mock, ts config to api ([82e0c6f]( * 🐛 Removed auth-test ([06c29d7]( * 🐛 removed dist prior to ignore, more lint errors fix ([78f7577]( * 🐛 Week component height and cap text ([9874dda]( * auth issues ([ae369c2]( * fetch typings ([97e131d]( ### Features * 🎸 Added food menu to features ([bec62fa]( * 🎸 Feature toggle context ([ce05682]( * 🎸 fixes ts issues ([3f62016]( * 🎸 Merged with main, also added api to nx ([4f1f66f]( * 🎸 Started on provider for selecting platform + feature to ([1aaaeb6]( * 🎸 Toggled class list in hjärntorget ([33440bc]( * 🎸 wip feagture toggle ([1601c4f]( * 🎸 WIP Switch school platform ([916ebc5](
2021-11-30 13:35:10 +00:00
# [2.3.0]( (2021-11-30)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 added dist to ignore ([1230825](
* 🐛 Added projects to nx ([c88b25a](
* 🐛 error loading SKOLA24_CHILDREN SAML ([508b079](
* 🐛 Fix failing tests ([8d9cfe2](
* 🐛 Fixes inheritance from [@skolplattformen-api]( ([ba45cfd](
* 🐛 Fixes issue with package.json in hjarntorget ([e2e1ff8](
* 🐛 Fixes lint errors ([e19c8a7](
* 🐛 Fixes news title, lowered font size on header ([7df15d3](
* 🐛 Fixes tests, added esModuleInterop true to tsconfig ([6383795](
* 🐛 Fixes TS config + lint etc ([4663269](
* 🐛 Fixes TSconfig for all projects ([24c1624](
* 🐛 Fixes tsconfig in api-hjarntorget ([b641486](
* 🐛 merge ([d26fd62](
* 🐛 merge conflict ([cafe6ec](
* 🐛 Merge with master ([9d21341](
* 🐛 Readded mock, ts config to api ([82e0c6f](
* 🐛 Removed auth-test ([06c29d7](
* 🐛 removed dist prior to ignore, more lint errors fix ([78f7577](
* 🐛 Week component height and cap text ([9874dda](
* auth issues ([ae369c2](
* fetch typings ([97e131d](
### Features
* 🎸 Added food menu to features ([bec62fa](
* 🎸 Feature toggle context ([ce05682](
* 🎸 fixes ts issues ([3f62016](
* 🎸 Merged with main, also added api to nx ([4f1f66f](
* 🎸 Started on provider for selecting platform + feature to ([1aaaeb6](
* 🎸 Toggled class list in hjärntorget ([33440bc](
* 🎸 wip feagture toggle ([1601c4f](
* 🎸 WIP Switch school platform ([916ebc5](
## [2.2.1]( (2021-11-23)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 spelling of chinese traditional in chinese traditional ([a28fd97](
chore(release): 2.2.0 [skip ci] # [2.2.0]( (2021-11-23) ### Bug Fixes * 🐛 Add languages to curriculum config ([b9302f9]( * 🐛 Clarify who's personal identity number to enter ([5028a85](, closes [#526]( * 🐛 fix crash when moment locale and language code differ ([623bf48]( * 🐛 Fixes crash when body od newItem is empty ([3e0fd14]( * 🐛 Fixes failing tests (added skip), fixes lint + test ([d71c106]( * 🐛 Fixes merge with main ([c54f2ff]( * 🐛 Fixes tests ([d451cf1]( * 🐛 Upgraded async-storage from 1.5.2 to 1.5.9 ([0cd72f5]( * add missing package references ([d41e2e3]( * failing html parsing ([2a2259a]( * images cropping on different devices ([#524]( ([7c50988]( * licenses extractor is used on the correct package.json ([d1de447]( * lint and prettier fixes ([169b536]( * package.json name for app changed ([a867b11]( * remove unused e2e files ([97b4380]( * rename and fix imports ([18ed862]( * some failing tests in hooks now works ([c122f28]( * ui-kitten metro config ([5fdc3d7]( * update github workflow to run nx instead of lerna ([289c2f8]( ### Features * 🎸 activate norwegian ([cec7ddd]( * 🎸 bump to version 2.0.4 ([6d762e7]( * 🎸 bump to version 2.0.4 ([078c946]( * 🎸 Chinese (simplified and traditional) ([eed2a75]( * 🎸 Japanese ([e5deadd]( * 🎸 language updates for curriculum ([4d62d9e]( * 🎸 Latin and fix for locales ([1c05196]( * 🎸 Portuguese ([2f45cbd]( * 🎸 Somali ([df8f2e3]( * add nx build system ([d90cfd2](
2021-11-23 17:46:32 +00:00
# [2.2.0]( (2021-11-23)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Add languages to curriculum config ([b9302f9](
* 🐛 Clarify who's personal identity number to enter ([5028a85](, closes [#526](
* 🐛 fix crash when moment locale and language code differ ([623bf48](
* 🐛 Fixes crash when body od newItem is empty ([3e0fd14](
* 🐛 Fixes failing tests (added skip), fixes lint + test ([d71c106](
* 🐛 Fixes merge with main ([c54f2ff](
* 🐛 Fixes tests ([d451cf1](
* 🐛 Upgraded async-storage from 1.5.2 to 1.5.9 ([0cd72f5](
* add missing package references ([d41e2e3](
* failing html parsing ([2a2259a](
* images cropping on different devices ([#524]( ([7c50988](
* licenses extractor is used on the correct package.json ([d1de447](
* lint and prettier fixes ([169b536](
* package.json name for app changed ([a867b11](
* remove unused e2e files ([97b4380](
* rename and fix imports ([18ed862](
* some failing tests in hooks now works ([c122f28](
* ui-kitten metro config ([5fdc3d7](
* update github workflow to run nx instead of lerna ([289c2f8](
### Features
* 🎸 activate norwegian ([cec7ddd](
* 🎸 bump to version 2.0.4 ([6d762e7](
* 🎸 bump to version 2.0.4 ([078c946](
* 🎸 Chinese (simplified and traditional) ([eed2a75](
* 🎸 Japanese ([e5deadd](
* 🎸 language updates for curriculum ([4d62d9e](
* 🎸 Latin and fix for locales ([1c05196](
* 🎸 Portuguese ([2f45cbd](
* 🎸 Somali ([df8f2e3](
* add nx build system ([d90cfd2](
# [2.1.0]( (2021-10-04)
### Features
* 🎸 Use fade on the backdrop on login modal ([e99494b](
chore(release): 2.0.0 [skip ci] # [2.0.0]( (2021-10-03) ### Bug Fixes * 🐛 add 2 to xsrf header and use nav controller script again ([d1a4877]( * 🐛 add missing headers for fetching children ([68c99cb]( * 🐛 Add personal identity number to test user ([f977143]( * 🐛 added "Rast" to misc words in sv,en,pl translations ([#11]( ([4da06bb]( * 🐛 Added build step ([#38]( ([db0faf2]( * 🐛 Added isAuthenticated to test user ([#119]( ([766f4ff]( * 🐛 Added luxon to fix getSchedule ([#13]( ([fe1729c]( * 🐛 Added missing types ([3d59035]( * 🐛 Adjusted cookie handling ([#79]( ([16020a3]( * 🐛 Autopublish (I hope) ([#37]( ([ed8f8a7]( * 🐛 Build before publish ([e934950]( * 🐛 Cache is no longer called in fake mode ([#3]( ([f89f143]( * 🐛 Changed build settings ([7a7c2a1]( * 🐛 Cleanup on logout ([#6]( ([644cbcd]( * 🐛 Correct format of fakeData.js ([c2adf00]( * 🐛 Fake data included through ts ([663be5c]( * 🐛 Fix för login block 24mars ([7667a5e]( * 🐛 fix latest security "fix" ([d795458]( * 🐛 fix the previous fix with a fixed json ([eefd791]( * 🐛 Fixa markdownkonvertering av hårresande html ([#120]( ([4991f91]( * 🐛 Fixar links med mellanslag ([#63]( ([3edbf8c]( * 🐛 Fixar senaste blocken ([#81]( ([1ccdc9f]( * 🐛 Fixed fake data for notifications ([#40]( ([b8621b9]( * 🐛 Fixed parsing bug for classmates ([5f07259]( * 🐛 Fixes base64 iterations ([52d7341]( * 🐛 Fixes configuration fetch ([7bf8f1c]( * 🐛 Fixes more sabotage from sthlm stad ([ab62ab6]( * 🐛 Fixes schedule ([fb65a33]( * 🐛 Flytta mellanslag utanför taggarna ([#124]( ([79e2a75]( * 🐛 Förbättrad parsning av nyhetsbrev ([#125]( ([82fa2dc]( * 🐛 Force release ([#115]( ([5c170dc]( * 🐛 Get all notifications. Add modified date to notifications ([#150]( ([4a0841a]( * 🐛 hämta API key från server ([9bde441]( * 🐛 implemented XSRF token support ([1ecfdaf]( * 🐛 Moved topologykey to config, also added getHeader() ([2823547]( * 🐛 News item details now gets parsed ([#55]( ([50ce985]( * 🐛 Ny version av curriculum ([#148]( ([e54ed25]( * 🐛 Parse old aspnet dates instead of unreliable format strings ([#108]( ([3c33c75](, closes [#105]( * 🐛 Parsning ([83ec383]( * 🐛 read xsrf token from script for createItem call ([1deb424]( * 🐛 Reload anropar bara apiet om den inte redan laddar ([#9]( ([c329283]( * 🐛 reload inaktivt i fejk ([#10]( ([9fa63e8]( * 🐛 Removed dynamic require ([#8]( ([a3421b8]( * 🐛 Removed superfluous property in en.json ([#5]( ([b6137ab]( * 🐛 rensa upp getChildren anropet och ny release ([2336861]( * 🐛 Repaired login ([#11]( ([83a4737]( * 🐛 Replaced named capture group for compatibility reasons ([#112]( ([66b23fa]( * 🐛 Replaces non breaking space with simple space ([#57]( ([58d5676]( * 🐛 Return a empty array if backend returns a specific error ([1e944ad]( * 🐛 semikolonviolation! ([46c6260]( * 🐛 Silly stockholm stad protection ([cd19abd]( * 🐛 Tog bort radbrytning i bold ([#66]( ([ca0117c]( * 🐛 Trims tag content to fix some markdown issues ([#56]( ([f9dc391]( * 🐛 URLSearchParams compatible with both node and RN ([#111]( ([fd919a0]( * 🐛 use childcontroller script for XSRF header to CreateItem ([2796875]( * 🐛 Working notification url:s ([#41]( ([3a808f9]( * add date handler ([a3e0eba]( * correct fake data dates ([d88bfcf]( * handle iso date strings ([ca0a3e4]( * handle long dates with time ([3ba96fe]( * handle missing spaces in intro after certain characters ([#99]( ([2926de3]( * links ([#64]( ([905b893]( * parse calendar dates as utc before iso ([#100]( ([73f6d8b]( * parse intro without positive lookbehind regex ([#102]( ([f8b3df2]( * Translations update from Weblate ([#16]( ([94a3883]( * use date constructor instead of luxon ([74ea878]( * use parseDate for all date handling ([6cd92ac]( ### Features * 🎸 Added .author and .imageAltText on NewsItem ([#42]( ([6e84a63]( * 🎸 Added getter for logged in personal number ([#39]( ([a860d12]( * 🎸 Added language support ([#121]( ([9dcdf78]( * 🎸 Alla nyhetsbrev ([#67]( ([f3f658f]( * 🎸 API call retries and support for error reporting ([#5]( ([9ed5df2]( * 🎸 Build, tag and release ([b71adc5]( * 🎸 cache busting ([5ce4ddd]( * 🎸 Cache prefixas med personnummer ([#8]( ([fc146ea]( * 🎸 Classmates ([#14]( ([a6ce6ea](, closes [#7]( * 🎸 Code cleanup, refactoring, linting and tests ([d0a0314]( * 🎸 Curriculum as peer dependency ([#122]( ([e24a9b3]( * 🎸 Exporting all types in index ([#45]( ([8351ef2]( * 🎸 Exporting LoginStatusChecker interface ([#46]( ([20e18e5]( * 🎸 Fake mode for 121212121212, 201212121212 and 1212121212 ([#35]( ([8d264b9]( * 🎸 Fakedata laggar 0.2-1 sekund ([#68]( ([018d600]( * 🎸 Fallback language ([#7]( ([e944468]( * 🎸 First implementation ([e5438b0]( * 🎸 First release ([d37f3db]( * 🎸 Forcing release ([d4151fa]( * 🎸 getSessionCookie and removed News object ([#24]( ([91ba683](, closes [#22]( [#23]( * 🎸 getUser ([#19]( ([39b62b7](, closes [#9]( * 🎸 Hämta lektionsschema ([#110]( ([c288449]( * 🎸 Image ([#21]( ([2ad7523](, closes [#10]( * 🎸 It now handles comments ([065e0e9]( * 🎸 Loads schedule ([#16]( ([53d42de](, closes [#13]( [#8]( * 🎸 Made User properties optional for hook convenience ([#31]( ([0e0e996]( * 🎸 Misc codes (Lunch, Prandium, MTID) ([59e350b]( * 🎸 Multilang support for useTimetable ([#14]( ([be6c9d1]( * 🎸 Names from curriculum ([#116]( ([504503f]( * 🎸 New properties on NewsItem and updated fake data ([#44]( ([dea899b]( * 🎸 News are sorted, desc, by modified date ([#147]( ([a4b7b7f]( * 🎸 News images that do not require login ([#43]( ([5daf186]( * 🎸 Notifications ([#20]( ([348e437](, closes [#11]( * 🎸 Notifications sorted by modified, then created date ([#151]( ([91f63e8]( * 🎸 Polish ([#9]( ([18c8126]( * 🎸 Possibly first working version ([0e4acba]( * 🎸 Remove all obsolete login obstacles ([#146]( ([befb073]( * 🎸 Remove required personal number in route ([#118]( ([c3b4b15]( * 🎸 Removed getImage() and added .fullImageUrl to NewsItem ([#33]( ([5c3929d]( * 🎸 Replaced Moment with Luxon ([#30]( ([e41f0bf]( * 🎸 Släpp sargen - nu kör vi ([#60]( ([c5e9992]( * 🎸 Switched to Markdown Extra converter ([#58]( ([3b7b067]( * 🎸 Timetables ([#12]( ([2ae212d]( * 🎸 Updated curriculum and fake data with new codes ([#117]( ([0a02ffa]( * 🎸 useNewsDetails(child, news) ([5d4f751]( * add newsItemDetails ([1826b80]( * call newsItemDetails to get details for a news item. Resolves [#28]( ([5dcc42e]( * Improve menu ([#109]( ([9c4fcb2]( * Ombyggd parsning av nyhetsbrev ([#65]( ([a5dfb70]( * update typings for ScheduleItem ([9c87535]( * Rebuilt session handling and login (#78) ([c62dab9](, closes [#78]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * 🧨 useTimetable now requires lang * 🧨 getTimetable requires language * 🧨 Child -> EtjanstChild * feat: 🎸 Test data for skola24Children and timetable * docs: ✏️ Updated instructions Co-authored-by: Johan Öbrink <> * This updates the `startDate` and `endDate` to be potentially `undefined` * 🧨 Major update of peer dependency embedded-api * 🧨 Cookie and Session handling reworked * 🧨 Nä... egentligen inte * 🧨 api no longer exposes getImage() * 🧨 Change to types (moment -> strings) and api.getSchedule (moment -> luxon.DateTime) * 🧨 Call signature of getNews changed
2021-10-03 10:13:50 +00:00
# [2.0.0]( (2021-10-03)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 add 2 to xsrf header and use nav controller script again ([d1a4877](
* 🐛 add missing headers for fetching children ([68c99cb](
* 🐛 Add personal identity number to test user ([f977143](
* 🐛 added "Rast" to misc words in sv,en,pl translations ([#11]( ([4da06bb](
* 🐛 Added build step ([#38]( ([db0faf2](
* 🐛 Added isAuthenticated to test user ([#119]( ([766f4ff](
* 🐛 Added luxon to fix getSchedule ([#13]( ([fe1729c](
* 🐛 Added missing types ([3d59035](
* 🐛 Adjusted cookie handling ([#79]( ([16020a3](
* 🐛 Autopublish (I hope) ([#37]( ([ed8f8a7](
* 🐛 Build before publish ([e934950](
* 🐛 Cache is no longer called in fake mode ([#3]( ([f89f143](
* 🐛 Changed build settings ([7a7c2a1](
* 🐛 Cleanup on logout ([#6]( ([644cbcd](
* 🐛 Correct format of fakeData.js ([c2adf00](
* 🐛 Fake data included through ts ([663be5c](
* 🐛 Fix för login block 24mars ([7667a5e](
* 🐛 fix latest security "fix" ([d795458](
* 🐛 fix the previous fix with a fixed json ([eefd791](
* 🐛 Fixa markdownkonvertering av hårresande html ([#120]( ([4991f91](
* 🐛 Fixar links med mellanslag ([#63]( ([3edbf8c](
* 🐛 Fixar senaste blocken ([#81]( ([1ccdc9f](
* 🐛 Fixed fake data for notifications ([#40]( ([b8621b9](
* 🐛 Fixed parsing bug for classmates ([5f07259](
* 🐛 Fixes base64 iterations ([52d7341](
* 🐛 Fixes configuration fetch ([7bf8f1c](
* 🐛 Fixes more sabotage from sthlm stad ([ab62ab6](
* 🐛 Fixes schedule ([fb65a33](
* 🐛 Flytta mellanslag utanför taggarna ([#124]( ([79e2a75](
* 🐛 Förbättrad parsning av nyhetsbrev ([#125]( ([82fa2dc](
* 🐛 Force release ([#115]( ([5c170dc](
* 🐛 Get all notifications. Add modified date to notifications ([#150]( ([4a0841a](
* 🐛 hämta API key från server ([9bde441](
* 🐛 implemented XSRF token support ([1ecfdaf](
* 🐛 Moved topologykey to config, also added getHeader() ([2823547](
* 🐛 News item details now gets parsed ([#55]( ([50ce985](
* 🐛 Ny version av curriculum ([#148]( ([e54ed25](
* 🐛 Parse old aspnet dates instead of unreliable format strings ([#108]( ([3c33c75](, closes [#105](
* 🐛 Parsning ([83ec383](
* 🐛 read xsrf token from script for createItem call ([1deb424](
* 🐛 Reload anropar bara apiet om den inte redan laddar ([#9]( ([c329283](
* 🐛 reload inaktivt i fejk ([#10]( ([9fa63e8](
* 🐛 Removed dynamic require ([#8]( ([a3421b8](
* 🐛 Removed superfluous property in en.json ([#5]( ([b6137ab](
* 🐛 rensa upp getChildren anropet och ny release ([2336861](
* 🐛 Repaired login ([#11]( ([83a4737](
* 🐛 Replaced named capture group for compatibility reasons ([#112]( ([66b23fa](
* 🐛 Replaces non breaking space with simple space ([#57]( ([58d5676](
* 🐛 Return a empty array if backend returns a specific error ([1e944ad](
* 🐛 semikolonviolation! ([46c6260](
* 🐛 Silly stockholm stad protection ([cd19abd](
* 🐛 Tog bort radbrytning i bold ([#66]( ([ca0117c](
* 🐛 Trims tag content to fix some markdown issues ([#56]( ([f9dc391](
* 🐛 URLSearchParams compatible with both node and RN ([#111]( ([fd919a0](
* 🐛 use childcontroller script for XSRF header to CreateItem ([2796875](
* 🐛 Working notification url:s ([#41]( ([3a808f9](
* add date handler ([a3e0eba](
* correct fake data dates ([d88bfcf](
* handle iso date strings ([ca0a3e4](
* handle long dates with time ([3ba96fe](
* handle missing spaces in intro after certain characters ([#99]( ([2926de3](
* links ([#64]( ([905b893](
* parse calendar dates as utc before iso ([#100]( ([73f6d8b](
* parse intro without positive lookbehind regex ([#102]( ([f8b3df2](
* Translations update from Weblate ([#16]( ([94a3883](
* use date constructor instead of luxon ([74ea878](
* use parseDate for all date handling ([6cd92ac](
### Features
* 🎸 Added .author and .imageAltText on NewsItem ([#42]( ([6e84a63](
* 🎸 Added getter for logged in personal number ([#39]( ([a860d12](
* 🎸 Added language support ([#121]( ([9dcdf78](
* 🎸 Alla nyhetsbrev ([#67]( ([f3f658f](
* 🎸 API call retries and support for error reporting ([#5]( ([9ed5df2](
* 🎸 Build, tag and release ([b71adc5](
* 🎸 cache busting ([5ce4ddd](
* 🎸 Cache prefixas med personnummer ([#8]( ([fc146ea](
* 🎸 Classmates ([#14]( ([a6ce6ea](, closes [#7](
* 🎸 Code cleanup, refactoring, linting and tests ([d0a0314](
* 🎸 Curriculum as peer dependency ([#122]( ([e24a9b3](
* 🎸 Exporting all types in index ([#45]( ([8351ef2](
* 🎸 Exporting LoginStatusChecker interface ([#46]( ([20e18e5](
* 🎸 Fake mode for 121212121212, 201212121212 and 1212121212 ([#35]( ([8d264b9](
* 🎸 Fakedata laggar 0.2-1 sekund ([#68]( ([018d600](
* 🎸 Fallback language ([#7]( ([e944468](
* 🎸 First implementation ([e5438b0](
* 🎸 First release ([d37f3db](
* 🎸 Forcing release ([d4151fa](
* 🎸 getSessionCookie and removed News object ([#24]( ([91ba683](, closes [#22]( [#23](
* 🎸 getUser ([#19]( ([39b62b7](, closes [#9](
* 🎸 Hämta lektionsschema ([#110]( ([c288449](
* 🎸 Image ([#21]( ([2ad7523](, closes [#10](
* 🎸 It now handles comments ([065e0e9](
* 🎸 Loads schedule ([#16]( ([53d42de](, closes [#13]( [#8](
* 🎸 Made User properties optional for hook convenience ([#31]( ([0e0e996](
* 🎸 Misc codes (Lunch, Prandium, MTID) ([59e350b](
* 🎸 Multilang support for useTimetable ([#14]( ([be6c9d1](
* 🎸 Names from curriculum ([#116]( ([504503f](
* 🎸 New properties on NewsItem and updated fake data ([#44]( ([dea899b](
* 🎸 News are sorted, desc, by modified date ([#147]( ([a4b7b7f](
* 🎸 News images that do not require login ([#43]( ([5daf186](
* 🎸 Notifications ([#20]( ([348e437](, closes [#11](
* 🎸 Notifications sorted by modified, then created date ([#151]( ([91f63e8](
* 🎸 Polish ([#9]( ([18c8126](
* 🎸 Possibly first working version ([0e4acba](
* 🎸 Remove all obsolete login obstacles ([#146]( ([befb073](
* 🎸 Remove required personal number in route ([#118]( ([c3b4b15](
* 🎸 Removed getImage() and added .fullImageUrl to NewsItem ([#33]( ([5c3929d](
* 🎸 Replaced Moment with Luxon ([#30]( ([e41f0bf](
* 🎸 Släpp sargen - nu kör vi ([#60]( ([c5e9992](
* 🎸 Switched to Markdown Extra converter ([#58]( ([3b7b067](
* 🎸 Timetables ([#12]( ([2ae212d](
* 🎸 Updated curriculum and fake data with new codes ([#117]( ([0a02ffa](
* 🎸 useNewsDetails(child, news) ([5d4f751](
* add newsItemDetails ([1826b80](
* call newsItemDetails to get details for a news item. Resolves [#28]( ([5dcc42e](
* Improve menu ([#109]( ([9c4fcb2](
* Ombyggd parsning av nyhetsbrev ([#65]( ([a5dfb70](
* update typings for ScheduleItem ([9c87535](
* Rebuilt session handling and login (#78) ([c62dab9](, closes [#78](
* 🧨 useTimetable now requires lang
* 🧨 getTimetable requires language
* 🧨 Child -> EtjanstChild
* feat: 🎸 Test data for skola24Children and timetable
* docs: ✏️ Updated instructions
Co-authored-by: Johan Öbrink <>
* This updates the `startDate` and `endDate` to be
potentially `undefined`
* 🧨 Major update of peer dependency embedded-api
* 🧨 Cookie and Session handling reworked
* 🧨 Nä... egentligen inte
* 🧨 api no longer exposes getImage()
* 🧨 Change to types (moment -> strings) and api.getSchedule (moment ->
* 🧨 Call signature of getNews changed
# [1.48.0]( (2021-10-01)
### Features
* 🎸 Notifications use modified, then created date ([a655bbc](
## [1.47.2]( (2021-09-30)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Hämta alla aviseringar och sortera på senast ändrad ([71cb230](
* 🐛 Tog bort headerLargeTitle från navigationComponent ([73019af](
## [1.47.1]( (2021-09-29)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Begränsa höjden på schemat ([#495]( ([5c81ad3](
# [1.47.0]( (2021-09-29)
### Features
* 🎸 add settings screen ([#492]( ([3b307d2](
## [1.46.2]( (2021-09-29)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Correct font name so the font shows on Android ([#493]( ([fd1ff0d](
## [1.46.1]( (2021-09-23)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Bumped embedded to 5.3.2 ([4522298](
# [1.46.0]( (2021-09-23)
### Features
* 🎸 Use custom async storage ([#461]( ([98f7c04](
## [1.45.1]( (2021-09-22)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Fixes crash in 2.0.1 (RN 0651 upgrade issue) ([#481]( ([0f893b9](
# [1.45.0]( (2021-09-18)
### Features
* 🎸 Fler språk i schemat (uppd. curriculum) ([#476]( ([6a30053](
# [1.44.0]( (2021-09-18)
### Features
* 🎸 Changed newsListItem display date to modified ([c1da658](
* 🎸 Modified used for child overview as well ([0ad8bfe](
* 🎸 Updated embedded for correct sorting ([9efef8d](
## [1.43.2]( (2021-09-16)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Småfixar i schemat ([2c770c0](
## [1.43.1]( (2021-09-16)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Översättningar på menytabbarna ([#471]( ([b7a732d](
# [1.43.0]( (2021-09-16)
### Features
* 🎸 Den nygamla klasslistan ([#462]( ([f0d05a5](, closes [#441](
## [1.42.2]( (2021-09-15)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Välja språk på Android var trasigt ([#467]( ([d431d68](
## [1.42.1]( (2021-09-14)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Fixes long navigation names in tab bar ([fe51923](
* decrease font weight to 500 ([69ff3ff](
* fontSize on tabBarLabel decreased ([36bc627](
# [1.42.0]( (2021-09-14)
### Bug Fixes
* update colors to reach AAA ([0140984](
### Features
* 🎸 Fixes status page and bump embedded ([7b65652](
# [1.41.0]( (2021-09-13)
### Features
* 🎸 release 2.0.0 for Android ([0dcb983](
## [1.40.1]( (2021-09-12)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Bump embedded-api to 5.2.0 ([9f00ba4](
chore(release): 1.40.0 [skip ci] # [1.40.0]( (2021-09-09) ### Bug Fixes * 🐛 Added hitslop to language button to increase touch area ([#449]( ([26a85da](, closes [#436]( * 🐛 Changed to "Öppna skolplattformen" on startpage ([#447]( ([29be7de](, closes [#433]( * 🐛 fix missing "app" target in projet file ([4e91bb5]( * adjust margins and typography on start page ([aea0b52]( * fix tests ([485db25]( * hide start-end if we have no schedule ([616362d]( * linter ([62e278a]( * Öppna skolplattformen på alla språk. Closes [#333]( ([5cda041]( ### Features * add lunch to daily schedule ([76c7108]( * add lunch to schedule ([03eab44]( * day summary on front page ([b82f744](
2021-09-09 06:48:58 +00:00
# [1.40.0]( (2021-09-09)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Added hitslop to language button to increase touch area ([#449]( ([26a85da](, closes [#436](
* 🐛 Changed to "Öppna skolplattformen" on startpage ([#447]( ([29be7de](, closes [#433](
* 🐛 fix missing "app" target in projet file ([4e91bb5](
* adjust margins and typography on start page ([aea0b52](
* fix tests ([485db25](
* hide start-end if we have no schedule ([616362d](
* linter ([62e278a](
* Öppna skolplattformen på alla språk. Closes [#333]( ([5cda041](
### Features
* add lunch to daily schedule ([76c7108](
* add lunch to schedule ([03eab44](
* day summary on front page ([b82f744](
## [1.39.1]( (2021-09-08)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Bump embedded-api to 5.1.4 ([0d4591e](
# [1.39.0]( (2021-08-19)
### Features
* add police report protocol ([77b3c6b](
## [1.38.1]( (2021-08-17)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Ta bort avbryt från listan vid login ([#443]( ([6f68751](
chore(release): 1.38.0 [skip ci] # [1.38.0]( (2021-08-16) ### Bug Fixes * bugfix, must call the damn function ([b6c7f78]( * flash was in js, now ts ([5e39618]( * linting ([1877cdd]( * remove flash msg for now ([f98b215]( ### Features * automatic sorting on dates ([b911ae8]( * handle timeouts, throttling, ratelimit etc from google ([a67ee60]( * load timeline dynamically from Google Sheet ([c53a8c0]( * updated history ([9fa7d10]( * updated history with events up to July ([#423]( ([62c3f2a](
2021-08-16 22:12:15 +00:00
# [1.38.0]( (2021-08-16)
### Bug Fixes
* bugfix, must call the damn function ([b6c7f78](
* flash was in js, now ts ([5e39618](
* linting ([1877cdd](
* remove flash msg for now ([f98b215](
### Features
* automatic sorting on dates ([b911ae8](
* handle timeouts, throttling, ratelimit etc from google ([a67ee60](
* load timeline dynamically from Google Sheet ([c53a8c0](
* updated history ([9fa7d10](
* updated history with events up to July ([#423]( ([62c3f2a](
# [1.37.0]( (2021-08-16)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 dark mode-färgerna tillbaka ([49328b4](
### Features
* Add custom Poppins typeface ([67a8aca](
* added day summary on front page ([1917b7e](
* login screen and move logout button ([fa7b103](
* new colors ([c178f9c](
## [1.36.4]( (2021-05-28)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Kalender - text blir avklippt ([#410]( ([377d468](, closes [#409](
## [1.36.3]( (2021-05-26)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 add a11y properties for childListItems ([db8434d](, closes [#354](
## [1.36.2]( (2021-05-25)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 knapparna i childListItem pekar rätt igen ([#407]( ([458daf6](
## [1.36.1]( (2021-05-25)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 use modal for login method picker. Fixes [#404]( ([bf472fb](
# [1.36.0]( (2021-05-21)
### Features
* 🎸 Fler språk ([#400]( ([0e8e905](
## [1.35.1]( (2021-05-17)
### Bug Fixes
* **site:** dark mode icons ([#396]( ([d85915d](
# [1.35.0]( (2021-05-17)
### Features
* **site:** dark mode ([#393]( ([36e809a](
## [1.34.2]( (2021-05-16)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Ord som inte är översatta hämtas från svenska ([6724f3f](
## [1.34.1]( (2021-05-12)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Added a11y lint and fixes those errors ([a37aeab](
# [1.34.0]( (2021-05-12)
### Features
* added flash message in header ([b7efee1](
## [1.33.1]( (2021-05-11)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Fixes dark mode image on children ([19b8f78](, closes [#388](
# [1.33.0]( (2021-05-11)
### Features
* 🎸 Added current language name to auth screen ([9f15a30](, closes [#367]( [#332](
## [1.32.1]( (2021-05-11)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Added Alert Icon when personal number is wrong ([b187c40](, closes [#359](
* 🐛 Improved accessibility on login screen ([d57078b](, closes [#351](
# [1.32.0]( (2021-05-10)
### Features
* 🎸 Format calendar dates with weekday ([3923bf1](
# [1.31.0]( (2021-05-10)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Fixes background color issue when calender items is empt ([9f96431](
### Features
* 🎸 Add clear icon to search input ([6f87887](
## [1.30.1]( (2021-05-09)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Patch fast-fuzzy to remove warning ([45210e1](
# [1.30.0]( (2021-05-09)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Update to React-native 0.64.1 to make build work on xCode 4.5 ([#372]( ([bbe268f](
### Features
* 🎸 Add testId to find components in tests ([8636779](
* 🎸 Change to translated texts in tests ([29273b8](
# [1.29.0]( (2021-05-09)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 formattering av schema som försvann är tillbaka ([#371]( ([fbc8514](
### Features
* 🎸 Replace abort with cancel ([134e904](
## [1.28.1]( (2021-05-06)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 android layout fixes after dark mode ([#369]( ([683afe1](
# [1.28.0]( (2021-05-06)
### Features
* 🎸 Dark mode ([#364]( ([bd9a4f5](
## [1.27.5]( (2021-05-02)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Fixes crash in ViewPager when setting selectedIndex ([#347]( ([a358351](
## [1.27.4]( (2021-04-30)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Formatering nyhetsbrev. Bumpade version på embedded-api ([#345]( ([7e2fd8f](
## [1.27.3]( (2021-04-30)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Day is selected after data is loaded ([ccaa17b](
## [1.27.2]( (2021-04-29)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 schema syns inte om kalender är tom ([#342]( ([d9bcc06](
## [1.27.1]( (2021-04-28)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Fixes lunch rendering ([#341]( ([6c75d9d](
# [1.27.0]( (2021-04-28)
### Features
* **a11y:** update colors and styling to improve accessibility ([9dd9691](
chore(release): 1.26.0 [skip ci] # [1.26.0]( (2021-04-28) ### Bug Fixes * 🐛 Förbättrad markdown-parsning ([9546540]( * 🐛 Förbättrad markdown-parsning ([6d3ff81]( * 🐛 Localised names of days ([fe27819]( * 🐛 Localised names of days ([f31c93b]( * 🐛 Removed console.log ([9671fa2]( * 🐛 Removed console.log ([9266711]( * 🐛 Renamed misnamed location ([fba0c61]( * 🐛 Renamed misnamed location ([d537a6d]( * 🐛 uppdaterade version av embedded-api ([ebb0340]( * 🐛 uppdaterade version av embedded-api ([eaa2353]( * bug when getting next weeks schedule ([036968b]( * bug when getting next weeks schedule ([fc22916]( * linter is picky ([3af39c1]( * linter is picky ([a2846cd]( ### Features * 🎸 Polish support in curriculum ([b8ef523]( * 🎸 Polish support in curriculum ([96c816e]( * 🎸 Updated deps and removed unnecessary parsing in week ([586a975]( * first working schema ui ([d3d2be3]( * first working schema ui ([8b69a20]( * first working version in test ([0a8be80]( * first working version in test ([4bf571b]( * use curriculun lib ([8b700e5]( * use curriculun lib ([0e61c16]( * visa summering per dag inkl indikation om gymnastik ([ea18203]( * visa summering per dag inkl indikation om gymnastik ([02eb7dc](
2021-04-28 08:57:14 +00:00
# [1.26.0]( (2021-04-28)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Förbättrad markdown-parsning ([9546540](
* 🐛 Förbättrad markdown-parsning ([6d3ff81](
* 🐛 Localised names of days ([fe27819](
* 🐛 Localised names of days ([f31c93b](
* 🐛 Removed console.log ([9671fa2](
* 🐛 Removed console.log ([9266711](
* 🐛 Renamed misnamed location ([fba0c61](
* 🐛 Renamed misnamed location ([d537a6d](
* 🐛 uppdaterade version av embedded-api ([ebb0340](
* 🐛 uppdaterade version av embedded-api ([eaa2353](
* bug when getting next weeks schedule ([036968b](
* bug when getting next weeks schedule ([fc22916](
* linter is picky ([3af39c1](
* linter is picky ([a2846cd](
### Features
* 🎸 Polish support in curriculum ([b8ef523](
* 🎸 Polish support in curriculum ([96c816e](
* 🎸 Updated deps and removed unnecessary parsing in week ([586a975](
* first working schema ui ([d3d2be3](
* first working schema ui ([8b69a20](
* first working version in test ([0a8be80](
* first working version in test ([4bf571b](
* use curriculun lib ([8b700e5](
* use curriculun lib ([0e61c16](
* visa summering per dag inkl indikation om gymnastik ([ea18203](
* visa summering per dag inkl indikation om gymnastik ([02eb7dc](
# [1.25.0]( (2021-04-25)
### Features
* 🎸 Added useAppState hook and logs out user if not authenticated ([#328]( ([772f652](
## [1.24.1]( (2021-04-23)
### Bug Fixes
* **site:** screenshot alignment ([#326]( ([e777b69](
# [1.24.0]( (2021-04-21)
### Features
* Add Patreon badge. Add info about contributing with Weblate. ([#311]( ([b37571d](
# [1.23.0]( (2021-04-21)
### Features
* 🎸 Gratis ([#312]( ([ac8581d](
## [1.22.1]( (2021-04-20)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Lade tillbaka utbildningsnivå under barnets namn ([#307]( ([659cb36](
# [1.22.0]( (2021-04-20)
### Features
* 🎸 Added Polish ([bb35884](
## [1.21.1]( (2021-04-20)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Adress call turned off everywhere ([b95c9e7](
# [1.21.0]( (2021-04-20)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 added import of moment locales for available languages ([e7c0d55](
### Features
* 🎸 Added Polish language ([53f6d4c](
## [1.20.1]( (2021-04-19)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 uppdatering av QA sidan ([c90aeff](
# [1.20.0]( (2021-04-19)
### Features
* 🎸 Redesign of webview, simpler interface ([#287]( ([5723b19](
## [1.19.1]( (2021-04-18)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Settings menu was not updated on language change ([#286]( ([6418d6e](
# [1.19.0]( (2021-04-18)
### Features
* 🎸 Add errormessage to loading page ([#255]( ([d1c5b09](, closes [#195](
# [1.18.0]( (2021-04-17)
### Features
* 🎸 Add new Status page ([#259]( ([2dd1564](
# [1.17.0]( (2021-04-17)
### Features
* 🎸 Remove required personal number on login on same device ([#271]( ([2604640](
## [1.16.1]( (2021-04-17)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Fixes issue where locale was not saved ([19554c7](, closes [#280](
# [1.16.0]( (2021-04-16)
### Features
* 🎸 Added text for empty menu ([bbfb2a3](
* 🎸 Updated embedded-api for better menu handling ([675454a](
## [1.15.1]( (2021-04-16)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Remove two packages that have security issues ([5a0d673](
# [1.15.0]( (2021-04-13)
### Features
* 🎸 Updated curriculum ([#268]( ([960be8a](
# [1.14.0]( (2021-04-13)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Downgraded react-native testing lib ([14e9ad8](
* 🐛 Reverting to old api-hooks to isolate problem ([5945651](
### Features
* 🎸 Updated embedded-api and api-hooks ([5a3391a](
* 🎸 Updated embedded-api for time tables with full names ([bc1e638](
* 🎸 Working compound child list enabling time tables ([323fc13](
# [1.13.0]( (2021-04-07)
### Features
* **site:** uppdatera timeline med april ([#264]( ([ddf74eb](
# [1.12.0]( (2021-04-05)
### Features
* 🎸 Upgrade embedded-api to 3.0.2 ([654471f](
## [1.11.1]( (2021-04-03)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Remove warning on markdown component '... unique key ..' ([5ab6ce2](
# [1.11.0]( (2021-04-03)
### Features
* 🎸 Datum i kalendern ([b1e2d4f](
## [1.10.4]( (2021-04-02)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 calendar sorting ([c0f5336](
## [1.10.3]( (2021-04-02)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 siffran vid kalenderikonen visade fel antal ([b34a2c2](
## [1.10.2]( (2021-04-02)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Fixes issue where settings icon was hidden on Android ([f3d3af1](, closes [#180](
## [1.10.1]( (2021-04-01)
### Bug Fixes
* fel i datumhantering ([#241]( ([7e1b068](
# [1.10.0]( (2021-04-01)
### Features
* 🎸 release 1.6.0 för Android ([241c984](
## [1.9.5]( (2021-04-01)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Korrekt registrering av CookieJar för Android ([74de762](
## [1.9.4]( (2021-04-01)
### Bug Fixes
* förbättra tillgänglighet för länkar i navigering ([#237]( ([9a3b036](
## [1.9.3]( (2021-03-31)
### Bug Fixes
* ta bort anteckningar från kalenderevent ([#231]( ([cf85a52](
## [1.9.2]( (2021-03-31)
### Bug Fixes
* korrekt registrering av cookie jar ([b24e090](
## [1.9.1]( (2021-03-31)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Refactoring and simpler registering of custom cookie jar ([e783504](
# [1.9.0]( (2021-03-30)
### Features
* **site:** add timeline ([#223]( ([1e8a21f](
# [1.8.0]( (2021-03-29)
### Features
* 🎸 Di TV ([#221]( ([7dd778a](
# [1.7.0]( (2021-03-29)
### Features
* 🎸 Artikel i DI Digital ([#219]( ([ed75f59](
# [1.6.0]( (2021-03-29)
### Features
* 🎸 Flyttade upp Media ([#217]( ([ffe71d6](
* 🎸 Ytterligare media ([c74d650](
# [1.5.0]( (2021-03-26)
### Bug Fixes
* clear AsyncStorage on logout ([c95e00e](
* separate navigation stacks ([2dea366](
### Features
* 🎸 Release 1.5.6 ([68f1f95](
## [1.4.1]( (2021-03-26)
### Bug Fixes
* avbryt bankid-inloggning ([#209]( ([4732de0](
# [1.4.0]( (2021-03-26)
### Features
* **ios:** dimma skärmen när man växlar app ([#201]( ([f1b0f4b](
# [1.3.0]( (2021-03-25)
### Bug Fixes
* do not navigate to children after login ([d6fd614](
* navigate to child view ([bf05fdb](
### Features
* add settings icon ([0b63391](
* add settings with logout on children view ([a2b9d30](
* replace logout screen with children ([c6f4662](
## [1.2.1]( (2021-03-25)
### Bug Fixes
* göm bilder i nyhetslistan för mindre enheter ([#205]( ([480abc4](
# [1.2.0]( (2021-03-25)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Fixar senaste blocken ([c150216](
* 🐛 Login funkar i iOS ([1c3d6f5](
* 🐛 Repaired login ([4f6ab3b](
* använd korrekt tusen-separator för miljarden ([#184]( ([8e21ad3](
* gör båda store-knapparna lika stora ([#185]( ([a35ef5e](
### Features
* 🎸 relase 1.4.2 ([8bea63f](
* 🎸 release 1.5.3 ([2ce7f01](
## [1.1.3]( (2021-03-10)
### Bug Fixes
* använd korrekt komponent för github-länk ([#183]( ([d9428c9](
## [1.1.2]( (2021-02-27)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Dekativera klasslistan ([eef1193](, closes [#161]( [#159](
## [1.1.1]( (2021-02-26)
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 Ikoner för initialt iPad stöd ([6ee68bf](, closes [#166](
# [1.1.0]( (2021-02-23)
### Features
* 🎸 Valbar inloggningsmetod ([#172]( ([624c705](
2021-02-21 15:03:31 +00:00
# 1.4.0 (2021-02-21)
chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci] # 1.0.0 (2021-02-21) ### Bug Fixes * 🐛 add missing android release keystore ([75088a2]( * 🐛 fix state handling on login screen ([a40f596](, closes [#82]( * 🐛 Fixed links when navigating other url:s ([53a9425]( * 🐛 Fixed merge induced bug ([758738d]( * 🐛 Fixed so calendar doesn't bork if items don't load ([9b92941]( * 🐛 handle close of ModalWebView for Android ([f250bcf]( * 🐛 Imported all code onto fresh RN install ([0f15f83]( * 🐛 Imported all code onto fresh RN install ([#40]( ([f195e37]( * 🐛 Länk till issues ([f3f3051]( * 🐛 Nyheter uppdateras ([eff2ada]( * 🐛 Nyheter uppdateras ([#114]( ([bc56c73]( * 🐛 Pnr skickas efter omstart ([0aa68e8]( * 🐛 properly load the SSN from the cache ([1051062](, closes [#82]( * 🐛 remove applicationSuffix for Android debug variant ([52370d9](, closes [#130]( * 🐛 Removed lerna workspaces ([823818b]( * 🐛 Rensade länkar ([f4b9538]( * 🐛 Spelling ([343a98e]( * 🐛 Time to read testimonials ([4518ae7]( * 🐛 Tog bort omladdning ([723a9df]( * 🐛 Updated api dependencies ([#71]( ([82cbb09]( * 🐛 Validerar cacheat pnr vid start ([06ff0c7]( * använd statusfält med mörkt innehåll ([#122]( ([b3f88c5]( * broken title ([37e5750]( * check validity of social security number ([582f5de]( * contact menu closing on false clicks ([c758370]( * direktlänkning från knapparna i barnlistan ([491f321]( * display image of woman if user's socialSecurityNumber is female ([027233f]( * Enable Google Play Button ([4058428]( * göm ogiltiga datum i nyheter ([#152]( ([bac38a2]( * handle dates and clicks on calendar items ([#64]( ([df63a6b]( * handle line breaks in tab navigation ([#58]( ([2f6c07a]( * handle missing social security number ([c596b6c]( * hantera bilder med absolut url i markdown ([#156]( ([e211439]( * hantera lång namn i barnlistan ([aef694c]( * hantera ui för saknade datum i aviseringar ([#124]( ([82c2379]( * hide contact option if not available ([273f059]( * ikon och rubrik på Android appen ([8218965]( * looked broken when no new event ([#157]( ([a191b45]( * scroll i barnlistan och flytta frånvaroknapp ([#167]( ([5a34b7a]( * **android:** uppdatera färg på statusbar ([#150]( ([b4860e0]( * login screen issues ([#69]( ([ec6a4e0]( * removed texts saying the app isnt released and added section for how to report bugs ([#112]( ([61b5189]( * scroll overflow on child screens ([#65]( ([a05e3c4]( * uppdatera testimonial med rätt text ([#137]( ([be228d1]( * use nextjs link for integrity policy ([fce2c26]( ### Features * 🎸 Added privacy policy and changed price to 12 ([34b1a3c]( * 🎸 Dra och ladda om ([5fb5587]( * 🎸 Encrypted cookie ([3419eda]( * 🎸 Ingress under bild ([b3f1d57]( * 🎸 Ladda alla nyheter ([8b913c6]( * 🎸 Links i markdown ([#86]( ([7b165af](, closes [#73]( * 🎸 Login works with 201212121212 ([f57212e]( * 🎸 Notifications viewable ([1a80f89]( * 🎸 Notifications viewable ([e6335ec]( * 🎸 Ombyggd nyhetsbrevshantering ([#111]( ([2b8133d]( * 🎸 På sajten kan vi i alla fall köra analytics :smile: ([#79]( ([7973285]( * 🎸 Readable news and updated navigation ([5835268]( * 🎸 Readable news and updated navigation ([79b80a1]( * 🎸 Removed download from head, added buttons to banner ([#42]( ([1e45d28]( * 🎸 Updated API. Now with fake news images ([0367f60]( * 🎸 Updated API. Now with fake news images ([5ef9ca1]( * 🎸 Using new fullImageUrl and cookie features for news img ([3fb3d89]( * add app store link ([#74]( ([5e6e91d]( * add email on site ([#70]( ([27229cc]( * add Open Graph title, image and description ([524a118]( * add Q&A page ([0b816d9]( * added npm lib and implemented login and load children ([c2ab194]( * Datum på nyheter ([#110]( ([cea1080]( * Flyttade tabbarna längst ner ([#145]( ([6c1ceae]( * frånvaroanmälan ([#144]( ([090a59e]( * lägg till empty state för barnlistan ([#126]( ([0cb24fe]( * optimise images with next/image ([#54]( ([fbbf6fe](, closes [#29]( * upgrade to next@10 to be able to use next/image ([082ea67]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * 🧨 JWT is now delivered as JSON ({ token })
2021-02-21 14:54:48 +00:00
### Bug Fixes
* 🐛 add missing android release keystore ([75088a2](
* 🐛 fix state handling on login screen ([a40f596](, closes [#82](
* 🐛 Fixed links when navigating other url:s ([53a9425](
* 🐛 Fixed merge induced bug ([758738d](
* 🐛 Fixed so calendar doesn't bork if items don't load ([9b92941](
* 🐛 handle close of ModalWebView for Android ([f250bcf](
* 🐛 Imported all code onto fresh RN install ([0f15f83](
* 🐛 Imported all code onto fresh RN install ([#40]( ([f195e37](
* 🐛 Länk till issues ([f3f3051](
* 🐛 Nyheter uppdateras ([eff2ada](
* 🐛 Nyheter uppdateras ([#114]( ([bc56c73](
* 🐛 Pnr skickas efter omstart ([0aa68e8](
* 🐛 properly load the SSN from the cache ([1051062](, closes [#82](
* 🐛 remove applicationSuffix for Android debug variant ([52370d9](, closes [#130](
* 🐛 Removed lerna workspaces ([823818b](
* 🐛 Rensade länkar ([f4b9538](
* 🐛 Spelling ([343a98e](
* 🐛 Time to read testimonials ([4518ae7](
* 🐛 Tog bort omladdning ([723a9df](
* 🐛 Updated api dependencies ([#71]( ([82cbb09](
* 🐛 Validerar cacheat pnr vid start ([06ff0c7](
* använd statusfält med mörkt innehåll ([#122]( ([b3f88c5](
* broken title ([37e5750](
* check validity of social security number ([582f5de](
* contact menu closing on false clicks ([c758370](
* direktlänkning från knapparna i barnlistan ([491f321](
* display image of woman if user's socialSecurityNumber is female ([027233f](
* Enable Google Play Button ([4058428](
* göm ogiltiga datum i nyheter ([#152]( ([bac38a2](
* handle dates and clicks on calendar items ([#64]( ([df63a6b](
* handle line breaks in tab navigation ([#58]( ([2f6c07a](
* handle missing social security number ([c596b6c](
* hantera bilder med absolut url i markdown ([#156]( ([e211439](
* hantera lång namn i barnlistan ([aef694c](
* hantera ui för saknade datum i aviseringar ([#124]( ([82c2379](
* hide contact option if not available ([273f059](
* ikon och rubrik på Android appen ([8218965](
* looked broken when no new event ([#157]( ([a191b45](
* scroll i barnlistan och flytta frånvaroknapp ([#167]( ([5a34b7a](
* **android:** uppdatera färg på statusbar ([#150]( ([b4860e0](
* login screen issues ([#69]( ([ec6a4e0](
* removed texts saying the app isnt released and added section for how to report bugs ([#112]( ([61b5189](
* scroll overflow on child screens ([#65]( ([a05e3c4](
* uppdatera testimonial med rätt text ([#137]( ([be228d1](
* use nextjs link for integrity policy ([fce2c26](
### Features
* 🎸 Added privacy policy and changed price to 12 ([34b1a3c](
* 🎸 Dra och ladda om ([5fb5587](
* 🎸 Encrypted cookie ([3419eda](
* 🎸 Ingress under bild ([b3f1d57](
* 🎸 Ladda alla nyheter ([8b913c6](
* 🎸 Links i markdown ([#86]( ([7b165af](, closes [#73](
* 🎸 Login works with 201212121212 ([f57212e](
* 🎸 Notifications viewable ([1a80f89](
* 🎸 Notifications viewable ([e6335ec](
* 🎸 Ombyggd nyhetsbrevshantering ([#111]( ([2b8133d](
* 🎸 På sajten kan vi i alla fall köra analytics :smile: ([#79]( ([7973285](
* 🎸 Readable news and updated navigation ([5835268](
* 🎸 Readable news and updated navigation ([79b80a1](
* 🎸 Removed download from head, added buttons to banner ([#42]( ([1e45d28](
* 🎸 Updated API. Now with fake news images ([0367f60](
* 🎸 Updated API. Now with fake news images ([5ef9ca1](
* 🎸 Using new fullImageUrl and cookie features for news img ([3fb3d89](
* add app store link ([#74]( ([5e6e91d](
* add email on site ([#70]( ([27229cc](
* add Open Graph title, image and description ([524a118](
* add Q&A page ([0b816d9](
* added npm lib and implemented login and load children ([c2ab194](
* Datum på nyheter ([#110]( ([cea1080](
* Flyttade tabbarna längst ner ([#145]( ([6c1ceae](
* frånvaroanmälan ([#144]( ([090a59e](
* lägg till empty state för barnlistan ([#126]( ([0cb24fe](
* optimise images with next/image ([#54]( ([fbbf6fe](, closes [#29](
* upgrade to next@10 to be able to use next/image ([082ea67](
* 🧨 JWT is now delivered as JSON ({ token })