
132 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-12-05 21:23:49 +00:00
2021-10-05 15:27:47 +00:00
"name": "skolplattformen",
"version": "0.0.0",
"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {
"start": "nx start",
"ios": "nx run-ios",
"android": "nx run-android",
2021-10-05 15:27:47 +00:00
"build": "nx build",
"test": "nx test",
"extract-licenses": "react-native-oss-license --json > licenses-oss.json && node library-extractor.js && rm licenses-oss.json && mv libraries.json apps/skolplattformen-sthlm",
"postinstall": "yarn extract-licenses"
chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci] # 1.0.0 (2021-02-21) ### Bug Fixes * 🐛 add missing android release keystore ([75088a2]( * 🐛 fix state handling on login screen ([a40f596](, closes [#82]( * 🐛 Fixed links when navigating other url:s ([53a9425]( * 🐛 Fixed merge induced bug ([758738d]( * 🐛 Fixed so calendar doesn't bork if items don't load ([9b92941]( * 🐛 handle close of ModalWebView for Android ([f250bcf]( * 🐛 Imported all code onto fresh RN install ([0f15f83]( * 🐛 Imported all code onto fresh RN install ([#40]( ([f195e37]( * 🐛 Länk till issues ([f3f3051]( * 🐛 Nyheter uppdateras ([eff2ada]( * 🐛 Nyheter uppdateras ([#114]( ([bc56c73]( * 🐛 Pnr skickas efter omstart ([0aa68e8]( * 🐛 properly load the SSN from the cache ([1051062](, closes [#82]( * 🐛 remove applicationSuffix for Android debug variant ([52370d9](, closes [#130]( * 🐛 Removed lerna workspaces ([823818b]( * 🐛 Rensade länkar ([f4b9538]( * 🐛 Spelling ([343a98e]( * 🐛 Time to read testimonials ([4518ae7]( * 🐛 Tog bort omladdning ([723a9df]( * 🐛 Updated api dependencies ([#71]( ([82cbb09]( * 🐛 Validerar cacheat pnr vid start ([06ff0c7]( * använd statusfält med mörkt innehåll ([#122]( ([b3f88c5]( * broken title ([37e5750]( * check validity of social security number ([582f5de]( * contact menu closing on false clicks ([c758370]( * direktlänkning från knapparna i barnlistan ([491f321]( * display image of woman if user's socialSecurityNumber is female ([027233f]( * Enable Google Play Button ([4058428]( * göm ogiltiga datum i nyheter ([#152]( ([bac38a2]( * handle dates and clicks on calendar items ([#64]( ([df63a6b]( * handle line breaks in tab navigation ([#58]( ([2f6c07a]( * handle missing social security number ([c596b6c]( * hantera bilder med absolut url i markdown ([#156]( ([e211439]( * hantera lång namn i barnlistan ([aef694c]( * hantera ui för saknade datum i aviseringar ([#124]( ([82c2379]( * hide contact option if not available ([273f059]( * ikon och rubrik på Android appen ([8218965]( * looked broken when no new event ([#157]( ([a191b45]( * scroll i barnlistan och flytta frånvaroknapp ([#167]( ([5a34b7a]( * **android:** uppdatera färg på statusbar ([#150]( ([b4860e0]( * login screen issues ([#69]( ([ec6a4e0]( * removed texts saying the app isnt released and added section for how to report bugs ([#112]( ([61b5189]( * scroll overflow on child screens ([#65]( ([a05e3c4]( * uppdatera testimonial med rätt text ([#137]( ([be228d1]( * use nextjs link for integrity policy ([fce2c26]( ### Features * 🎸 Added privacy policy and changed price to 12 ([34b1a3c]( * 🎸 Dra och ladda om ([5fb5587]( * 🎸 Encrypted cookie ([3419eda]( * 🎸 Ingress under bild ([b3f1d57]( * 🎸 Ladda alla nyheter ([8b913c6]( * 🎸 Links i markdown ([#86]( ([7b165af](, closes [#73]( * 🎸 Login works with 201212121212 ([f57212e]( * 🎸 Notifications viewable ([1a80f89]( * 🎸 Notifications viewable ([e6335ec]( * 🎸 Ombyggd nyhetsbrevshantering ([#111]( ([2b8133d]( * 🎸 På sajten kan vi i alla fall köra analytics :smile: ([#79]( ([7973285]( * 🎸 Readable news and updated navigation ([5835268]( * 🎸 Readable news and updated navigation ([79b80a1]( * 🎸 Removed download from head, added buttons to banner ([#42]( ([1e45d28]( * 🎸 Updated API. Now with fake news images ([0367f60]( * 🎸 Updated API. Now with fake news images ([5ef9ca1]( * 🎸 Using new fullImageUrl and cookie features for news img ([3fb3d89]( * add app store link ([#74]( ([5e6e91d]( * add email on site ([#70]( ([27229cc]( * add Open Graph title, image and description ([524a118]( * add Q&A page ([0b816d9]( * added npm lib and implemented login and load children ([c2ab194]( * Datum på nyheter ([#110]( ([cea1080]( * Flyttade tabbarna längst ner ([#145]( ([6c1ceae]( * frånvaroanmälan ([#144]( ([090a59e]( * lägg till empty state för barnlistan ([#126]( ([0cb24fe]( * optimise images with next/image ([#54]( ([fbbf6fe](, closes [#29]( * upgrade to next@10 to be able to use next/image ([082ea67]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * 🧨 JWT is now delivered as JSON ({ token })
2021-02-21 14:54:48 +00:00
2021-10-05 15:27:47 +00:00
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2020-12-05 21:23:49 +00:00