import AutoQueue from './autoQueue' import RoundRobinArray from './roundRobinArray' export interface QueueEntry { id: string queue: AutoQueue } function delay(time: any) { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time)) } /** * Put requests in queues where each childId gets its own queue * The class takes care of calling the provided changeChildFunc * before running the queue. * Why? The external api uses state where the child must be selected * before any calls to News etc can be done. * */ export default class QueueFetcher { private queues: RoundRobinArray private currentRunningQueue: QueueEntry | undefined private changeChildFunc: (childId: string) => Promise private lastChildId = '' private scheduleTimeout: any /** * Set to true to console.log verbose information * For debugging mostly */ verboseDebug = false /** * Creates a new QueueFetcher * @param changeChildFunc function that is called to change the current * selected child on the server */ constructor(changeChildFunc: (childId: string) => Promise) { this.changeChildFunc = changeChildFunc this.queues = new RoundRobinArray(new Array()) } /** * Queues a fetch - it will be executed together with other calls that * has the same id * @param func function that creates the request to be done. Must be a function * because a Promise is always created in the running state * @param id the id (e.g. childId) that is used to group calls together * @returns a Promise that resolves when the Promise created by the func is resolved * (i.e. is dequeued and executed) */ public async fetch(func: () => Promise, id: string): Promise { if (!this.queues.array.some((e) => === id)) { const newQueue = new AutoQueue(10) this.queues.add({ id, queue: newQueue }) } const queueEntry = this.queues.array.find((e) => === id) if (queueEntry === undefined) { throw new Error(`No queue found for id: ${id}`) } const promise = queueEntry.queue.enqueue(func, false) if (this.scheduleTimeout === undefined || this.scheduleTimeout === null) { this.scheduleTimeout = setTimeout(async () => this.schedule(), 0) } return promise } public get Queues() { return this.queues.array } /** * Method to schedule next queue * Public because we need it from unit-tests */ async schedule() { // Debug print info for all queues this.queues.array.forEach(({ id: childId, queue }) => this.debug('Schedule: ', childId, '=>', queue.getQueueInfo()) ) if (this.queues.size === 0) { this.debug('No queues created yet') return } if (this.currentRunningQueue === undefined || this.queues.size === 1) { this.debug('First run schedule or only one queue') const firstQueue = this.queues.first await this.runNext(firstQueue) return } const nextToRun = this.findNextQueueToRun() if (nextToRun === undefined) { this.debug('Nothing to do right now') this.scheduleTimeout = null return } if ( === { this.debug('Same queue as before was scheduled') this.runNext(nextToRun) return } const { id: queueToPauseId, queue: queueToPause } = this.currentRunningQueue this.debug('Queue to pause', queueToPauseId, queueToPause.getQueueInfo()) queueToPause.pause() if (queueToPause.runningTaskCount === 0) { await this.runNext(nextToRun) return } this.debug('Queue is not idle, waiting for it ...') queueToPause.getQueueStatus().once('IDLE', async () => { this.debug('Got IDLE from queue') await this.runNext(nextToRun) }) } private async runNext(queueToRun: QueueEntry) { const { id: childId, queue } = queueToRun this.debug('About to run', childId, queue.getQueueInfo()) if (this.lastChildId === childId) { this.debug('Child already selected, skipping select call') } else { this.debug('Initiating change child') await this.changeChildFunc(childId) this.lastChildId = childId this.debug('Change child done') } this.currentRunningQueue = queueToRun this.setupTimerForSchedule() await queue.start() } private setupTimerForSchedule() { this.scheduleTimeout = setTimeout(async () => this.schedule(), 3000) } private findNextQueueToRun(): QueueEntry | undefined { // Iterate all queues and look for next queue with work to do for (let i = 0; i < this.queues.size; i += 1) { const { id: childId, queue } = // If queue has items to execute, return it if (queue.size > 0 || queue.runningTaskCount > 0) return { id: childId, queue } } // Nothing more to do return undefined } private debug(message: any, ...args: any[]) { if (this.verboseDebug) { console.debug(message, ...args) } } }