import { Child, MenuItem, TimetableEntry } from '@skolplattformen/api' import { useMenu, useTimetable } from '@skolplattformen/hooks' import { List, ListItem, StyleService, Tab, TabBar, Text, useStyleSheet, ViewPager, } from '@ui-kitten/components' import moment from 'moment' import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { View } from 'react-native' import { LanguageService } from '../services/languageService' import { Sizing, Typography } from '../styles' import { TransitionView } from './transitionView.component' import { getMeaningfulStartingDate } from '../utils/calendarHelpers' import { translate } from '../utils/translation' interface WeekProps { child: Child } interface LessonListProps { lessons: TimetableEntry[] lunch?: MenuItem header: string } interface DayProps { weekDay: string lunch?: MenuItem lessons: TimetableEntry[] } const LessonList = ({ lessons, header, lunch }: LessonListProps) => { const styles = useStyleSheet(themedStyles) return ( ( {header} )} renderItem={({ item: { id, code, name, timeStart, timeEnd, teacher, location }, }) => ( ( {name} )} description={() => ( {`${timeStart.slice(0, 5)}-${timeEnd.slice(0, 5)} ${ location === '' ? '' : '(' + location + ')' } `} {code?.toUpperCase() === 'LUNCH' ? lunch?.description : teacher} )} /> )} /> ) } export const Day = ({ weekDay, lunch, lessons }: DayProps) => { const styles = useStyleSheet(themedStyles) if (lessons.length <= 0) { return null } return ( timeStart < '12:00')} /> timeStart >= '12:00')} /> ) } export const Week = ({ child }: WeekProps) => { moment.locale(LanguageService.getLocale()) const days = moment.weekdaysShort().slice(1, 6) const displayDate = getMeaningfulStartingDate(moment()) const currentDayIndex = Math.min(moment(displayDate).isoWeekday() - 1, 5) const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = useState(currentDayIndex) const [showSchema, setShowSchema] = useState(false) const [year, week] = [displayDate.isoWeekYear(), displayDate.isoWeek()] const { data: lessons } = useTimetable( child, week, year, LanguageService.getLanguageCode() ) let { data: menu } = useMenu(child) // Hide menu if we want to show next week but it is not monday yet. // The menu for next week is not available until monday const currentDate = moment() const shouldShowLunchMenu = menu[displayDate.isoWeekday() - 1] && !(displayDate.isoWeekday() === 1 && currentDate.isoWeekday() !== 1) if (!shouldShowLunchMenu) { menu = [] } const styles = useStyleSheet(themedStyles) useEffect(() => { const shouldShowSchema = lessons.length > 0 setShowSchema(shouldShowSchema) }, [lessons]) const getWeekText = (date = moment()) => { return `${translate('schedule.week')} ${date.isoWeek()}` } return showSchema ? ( {getWeekText(displayDate)} setSelectedIndex(index)} > {, index) => ( ( <> {weekDay} {displayDate .startOf('isoWeek') .add(index, 'day') .format('D')} )} /> ))} setSelectedIndex(index)} > {, index) => ( days[lesson.dayOfWeek - 1] === weekDay) .sort((a, b) => a.timeStart.localeCompare(b.timeStart))} /> ))} ) : null } const themedStyles = StyleService.create({ view: { backgroundColor: 'background-basic-color-1', maxHeight: '65%', paddingBottom: 0, margin: 0, }, innerView: { paddingBottom: 170, margin: 0, }, part: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', width: '33%', }, tab: { flexDirection: 'row', padding: 0, }, item: { height: 90, backgroundColor: 'background-basic-color-2', paddingHorizontal: 0, borderRadius: 2, margin: 2, paddingLeft: Sizing.t2, paddingRight: Sizing.t2, width: '90%', }, time: { color: 'color-basic-500', fontSize: 9, }, dayTab: { textAlign: 'left', }, summary: { paddingRight: 20, paddingLeft: 2, }, startTime: { paddingBottom: 2, }, lunchLabel: { paddingTop: 10, paddingBottom: 2, }, lunch: { width: 100, }, endTime: { paddingTop: 10, }, pager: { margin: 10, ...Typography.fontWeight.bold, }, header: { paddingLeft: 10, }, lessonTitle: { ...Typography.fontWeight.semibold, fontSize: 13, }, lessonDescription: { fontSize: 13, }, lesson: { flexDirection: 'column', }, weekNumber: { marginLeft: 10, marginTop: 10, ...Typography.fontWeight.bold, }, tabTitle: { textAlign: 'center', }, tabTitleDate: { textAlign: 'center', }, })