import { Fetcher, LoginStatusChecker } from '@skolplattformen/api' import { EventEmitter } from 'events' import { extractAuthGbgLoginRequestBody, extractHjarntorgetSAMLLogin, } from './parse/parsers' import { authGbgLoginUrl, hjarntorgetSAMLLoginUrl, pollStatusUrl, } from './routes' export class HjarntorgetChecker extends EventEmitter implements LoginStatusChecker { private fetcher: Fetcher private basePollingUrl: string public token: string private cancelled = false constructor(fetcher: Fetcher, basePollingUrl: string) { super() this.token = '' // not used, but needed for compatability with the LoginStatusChecker this.fetcher = fetcher this.basePollingUrl = basePollingUrl this.check() } async check(): Promise { try { console.log('polling bankid signature') // const pollStatusResponse = await this.fetcher( 'poll-bankid-status', pollStatusUrl(this.basePollingUrl) ) console.log('poll-bankid-status') const pollStatusResponseJson = await pollStatusResponse.json() const keepPolling = pollStatusResponseJson.infotext !== '' const isError = pollStatusResponseJson.location.indexOf('error') >= 0 if (!keepPolling && !isError) { console.log('bankid successfull! follow to location...') // follow response location to get back to // r.location is something like: // '' const signatureResponse = await this.fetcher( 'confirm-signature-redirect', pollStatusResponseJson.location, { redirect: 'follow', } ) if (!signatureResponse.ok) { throw new Error('Bad signature response') } const signatureResponseText = await signatureResponse.text() const authGbgLoginBody = extractAuthGbgLoginRequestBody( signatureResponseText ) console.log('authGbg saml login') const authGbgLoginResponse = await this.fetcher( 'authgbg-saml-login', authGbgLoginUrl, { redirect: 'follow', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, body: authGbgLoginBody, } ) if (!authGbgLoginResponse.ok) { throw new Error('Bad augGbgLogin response') } const authGbgLoginResponseText = await authGbgLoginResponse.text() const hjarntorgetSAMLLoginBody = extractHjarntorgetSAMLLogin( authGbgLoginResponseText ) console.log('hjarntorget saml login') const hjarntorgetSAMLLoginResponse = await this.fetcher( 'hjarntorget-saml-login', hjarntorgetSAMLLoginUrl, { method: 'POST', redirect: 'follow', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, body: hjarntorgetSAMLLoginBody, } ) if (!hjarntorgetSAMLLoginResponse.ok) { throw new Error('Bad hjarntorgetSAMLLogin response') } // TODO: add more checks above between calls to see if everything is actually 'OK'... this.emit('OK') } else if (isError) { console.log('polling error') this.emit('ERROR') } else if (!this.cancelled && keepPolling) { console.log('keep on polling...') this.emit('PENDING') setTimeout(() => this.check(), 3000) } } catch (er) { console.log('Error validating login to HjÀrntorget', er) this.emit('ERROR') } } async cancel(): Promise { this.cancelled = true } } export const checkStatus = ( fetch: Fetcher, basePollingUrl: string ): LoginStatusChecker => new HjarntorgetChecker(fetch, basePollingUrl) export class DummyStatusChecker extends EventEmitter implements LoginStatusChecker { token = "" async cancel(): Promise { // do nothing } }