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export interface Cookie {
name: string
value: string
path?: string
domain?: string
version?: string
expires?: string
secure?: boolean
httpOnly?: boolean
export interface CookieManager {
setCookie: (cookie: Cookie, url: string) => Promise<void>
getCookies: (url: string) => Promise<Cookie[]>
setCookieString: (cookieString: string, url: string) => Promise<void>
getCookieString: (url: string) => Promise<string>
clearAll: () => Promise<void>
export interface RequestInit {
headers?: any
method?: string
body?: string
* Set to `manual` to extract redirect headers, `error` to reject redirect */
redirect?: string
export interface Headers {
get(name: string): string | null
export interface Response {
headers: Headers
ok: boolean
status: number
statusText: string
text: () => Promise<string>
json: () => Promise<any>
export interface Fetch {
(url: string, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>
export interface AuthTicket {
order: string
token: string
* @export
* @interface CalendarItem
export interface CalendarItem {
id: number
title: string
description?: string
location?: string
startDate?: string
endDate?: string
allDay?: boolean
* @export
* @interface Child
export interface Child {
id: string
* <p>Special ID used to access certain subsystems</p>
* @type {string}
* @memberof Child
sdsId: string
name: string
* <p>F - förskola, GR - grundskola?</p>
* @type {string}
* @memberof Child
status?: string
schoolId?: string
* @export
* @interface Classmate
export interface Classmate {
sisId: string
className?: string
firstname: string
lastname: string
guardians: Guardian[]
* @export
* @interface Guardian
export interface Guardian {
email?: string
firstname: string
lastname: string
mobile?: string
address?: string
* <p>A news item from the school, for example a weekly news letter</p>
* @export
* @interface NewsItem
export interface NewsItem {
id: string
author?: string
header?: string
intro?: string
body?: string
published: string
modified?: string
imageUrl?: string
fullImageUrl?: string
imageAltText?: string
* @export
* @interface Notification
export interface Notification {
id: string
sender: string
dateCreated: string
message: string
url: string
category: string | null
type: string
* @export
* @interface ScheduleItem
export interface ScheduleItem {
title: string
description?: string
location?: string
startDate: string
endDate: string
oneDayEvent: boolean
allDayEvent: boolean
export interface MenuItem {
title: string
description: string
export interface MenuList {
selectedWeek: number
menus: MenuListItem[]
export interface MenuListItem {
week: string
mon: string
tue: string
wed: string
thu: string
fri: string
export interface User {
personalNumber?: string
isAuthenticated?: boolean
firstName?: string
lastName?: string
email?: string | null
notificationId?: string