- Issue with returning a valid device descriptor
since BT SCO is not defined in IOProfile.
- With Android-Q changes, first attempt to retrieve device
descriptor from the avaiable HwModule may fail due to
address and encoded format conditions.
- Further device descriptor query is based on IOProfile
with devices defined in audio_policy_configuration.
- This change adds BT SCO to IOProfile.
Change-Id: I52225070e97dd702f965ca5dbb5db9d128df1faf
* All of a sudden, time_genoff connection will fail and sometimes
block unlocking with password, etc. Stock libtime_genoff.so will
fix it in most cases, but not all. Drop time service stack to make
this connection fail at start to workaround the problem. Time
service is broken on 10 anyway so it is a good trade-off.
Change-Id: I24105becd0b5093ed1460662c4c802e318acad8c
* LocSvc_afw: get_geofence_interface, dlopen for libgeofence.so
failed, error = dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol
"_ZN7android10IInterface8asBinderEv" referenced by
* vndksupport: Could not load /vendor/lib/hw/flp.default.so from
default namespace: dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol
"_ZN7android10IInterface8asBinderEv" referenced by
Change-Id: I4fed5fc23b1721e75e9759c0811b7532c5b68705
* This doesn't exist anymore and replaced by
This reverts commit 2de5ba9107.
Change-Id: Ic7b04d485c47cd04ed6780478c992d2b6d5983e0
The reason these files are moved to /vendor/etc/init/hw and
not /vendor/etc/init is because 'init' scans the /vendor/etc/init folder
for vendor service .rc fragments to import. That would either result
in duplicate imports or out-of-order imports of these hardware
specific .rc files and that *may* have unintended consequences.
In order to preserve the current import order for MTP, we move all
hardware specific .rc files to /vendor/etc/init/hw which is not
autoscanned by init BUT leave the init.${ro.hardware}.rc (i.e.
init.qcom.rc in this case) in root for 'init' to find.
Change-Id: I14531da05e2a3a256f734f8de96e1f1969c753f9
Newer AOSP deprecates LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng debug.
We now remove that and instead add the package to
To ensure that we don't miss out on any package during this switch,
we add these explicitly, even though it might have been already
added under PRODUCT_PACKAGES at some other location.
Change-Id: I35bd67c3e7752be5bcd8f8682864062173e92724
Our /recovery partition is very small (10MB), and we can't use xhdpi for recovery. Minimizing recovery's DPI will minimize recovery size, and we will build it.
Change-Id: Iabf0bb4c65a61736c0f65dcb53dbf147c9459613
These have migrated away from properties.
Bug: 73905119
Test: n/a
Change-Id: I83e0942c027defba02a037f9db684d42f5042bb9
We are not calling the make files that are being removed from
frameworks/native, but we might as well remove these props.
Signed-off-by: Tim Clark <tim.clark.82@gmail.com>
https: //android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/642ebea6e14
Signed-off-by: D. Andrei Măceș <andrei@unlegacy-android.org>
* Kind of don't care about it anymore. We have Lineage Recovery
This reverts commit b7d9a63fa5.
This reverts commit d8ff0658d0.
Change-Id: I13e3c02c48138c0ad621b713ae5c7b0a5ec67e22
* It seems that this old "fix" for G900V RIL actually makes the Q
"opengapps issue", normally only evident in encrypted legacy devices
with secure startup, more pronounced. In such devices, your ability
to progress beyond the boot animation to an actual homescreen after
entering an unlock PIN is completely at chance, but with much better
chances after an update (dexopting, maybe?). Only with this HAXX in
place, the issue happens with unencrypted devices.
* A nice side effect will be that all klte* devices will boot much
* The root cause of this is some kind of timeout, but the logs are
seemingly worthless.
This reverts commit 31509201c1.
Change-Id: Iaf2a19a3ab7f8f8cf2f0add1bd6e3b87d06310a7
Note: second part of commit is in msm8226-common
* We have physical buttons, so for us navbar is useless
* We don't have automatic brightness
* We don't have OLED display, so burn-in protection is useless