
359 lines
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# hooks
1. [Installing](#installing)
1. [Login / logout](#login--logout)
1. [Get data](#get-data)
1. [Fake mode](#fake-mode)
## Installing
`npm i -S hooks @skolplattformen/embedded-api`
`yarn add hooks @skolplattformen/embedded-api`
## ApiProvider
In order to use api hooks, you must wrap your app in an ApiProvider
import React from 'react'
import { ApiProvider } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
import init from '@skolplattformen/api-skolplattformet'
import { CookieManager } from '@react-native-cookies/cookies'
import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'
import { RootComponent } from './components/root'
import crashlytics from '@react-native-firebase/crashlytics'
const api = init(fetch, () => CookieManager.clearAll())
const reporter = {
log: (message) => crashlytics().log(message),
error: (error, label) => crashlytics().recordError(error, label),
export default () => (
<ApiProvider api={api} reporter={reporter} storage={AsyncStorage}>
<RootComponent />
## Login / logout
import { useApi } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
export default function LoginController () {
const { api, isLoggedIn } = useApi()
api.on('login', () => { /* do login stuff */ })
api.on('logout', () => { /* do logout stuff */ })
const [personalNumber, setPersonalNumber] = useState()
const [bankIdStatus, setBankIdStatus] = useState('')
const doLogin = async () => {
const status = await api.login(personalNumber)
status.on('PENDING', () => { setBankIdStatus('BankID app not yet opened') })
status.on('USER_SIGN', () => { setBankIdStatus('BankID app is open') })
status.on('OK', () => { setBankIdStatus('BankID signed. NOTE! User is NOT yet logged in!') })
status.on('ERROR', (err) => { setBankIdStatus('BankID failed') })
return (
<Input value={personalNumber} onChange={(value) = setPersonalNumber(value)} />
<Button onClick={() => doLogin()}>
<Text>Logged in: {isLoggedIn}</Text>
## Get data
1. [General](#general)
1. [useCalendar](#usecalendar)
1. [useChildList](#usechildList)
1. [useClassmates](#useclassmates)
1. [useMenu](#usemenu)
1. [useNews](#usenews)
1. [useNotifications](#usenotifications)
1. [useSchedule](#useschedule)
1. [useUser](#useuser)
### General
The data hooks return a `State<T>` object exposing the following properties:
| Property | Description |
| -------- | ------------------------------- |
| `status` | `pending` `loading` `loaded` |
| `data` | The requested data |
| `error` | Error from the API call if any |
| `reload` | Function that triggers a reload |
The hook will return a useable default for data at first (usually empty `[]`).
It then checks the cache (`AsyncStorage`) for any value and, if exists, updates data.
Simultaneously the API is called. This only automatically happens once during the
lifetime of the app. If several instances of the same hook are used, the data will be
shared and only one API call made.
When `reload` is called, a new API call will be made and all hook instances will have
their `status`, `data` and `error` updated.
### useCalendar
import { useCalendar } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
export default function CalendarComponent ({ selectedChild }) => {
const { status, data, error, reload } = useCalendar(selectedChild)
return (
{ status === 'loading' && <Spinner />}
{ error && <Text>{ error.message }</Text>}
{ => (
<CalendarItem item={item} />
{ status !== 'loading' && status !== 'pending' && <Button onClick={() => reload()}> }
### useChildList
import { useChildList } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
export default function ChildListComponent () => {
const { status, data, error, reload } = useChildList()
return (
{ status === 'loading' && <Spinner />}
{ error && <Text>{ error.message }</Text>}
{ => (
<Text>{child.firstName} {child.lastName}</Text>
{ status !== 'loading' && status !== 'pending' && <Button onClick={() => reload()}> }
### useClassmates
import { useClassmates } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
export default function ClassmatesComponent ({ selectedChild }) => {
const { status, data, error, reload } = useClassmates(selectedChild)
return (
{ status === 'loading' && <Spinner />}
{ error && <Text>{ error.message }</Text>}
{ => (
<Classmate item={classmate} />
{ status !== 'loading' && status !== 'pending' && <Button onClick={() => reload()}> }
### useMenu
import { useMenu } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
export default function MenuComponent ({ selectedChild }) => {
const { status, data, error, reload } = useMenu(selectedChild)
return (
{ status === 'loading' && <Spinner />}
{ error && <Text>{ error.message }</Text>}
{ => (
<MenuItem item={item} />
{ status !== 'loading' && status !== 'pending' && <Button onClick={() => reload()}> }
### useNews
import { useNews } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
export default function NewsComponent ({ selectedChild }) => {
const { status, data, error, reload } = useNews(selectedChild)
return (
{ status === 'loading' && <Spinner />}
{ error && <Text>{ error.message }</Text>}
{ => (
<NewsItem item={item} />
{ status !== 'loading' && status !== 'pending' && <Button onClick={() => reload()}> }
To display image from `NewsItem`:
import { useApi } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
export default function NewsItem ({ item }) => {
const { api } = useApi()
const cookie = api.getSessionCookie()
return (
{ cookie &&
<Image source={{ uri: item.fullImageUrl, headers: { cookie } }} /> }
### useNotifications
import { useNotifications } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
export default function NotificationsComponent ({ selectedChild }) => {
const { status, data, error, reload } = useNotifications(selectedChild)
return (
{ status === 'loading' && <Spinner />}
{ error && <Text>{ error.message }</Text>}
{ => (
<Notification item={item} />
{ status !== 'loading' && status !== 'pending' && <Button onClick={() => reload()}> }
To show content of `NotificationItem` url:
import { useApi } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
import { WebView } from 'react-native-webview'
export default function Notification ({ item }) => {
const { cookie } = useApi()
return (
<WebView source={{ uri: item.url, headers: { cookie }}} />
### useSchedule
import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import { useSchedule } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
export default function ScheduleComponent ({ selectedChild }) => {
const from = DateTime.local()
const to ={ week: 1 })
const { status, data, error, reload } = useSchedule(selectedChild, from, to)
return (
{ status === 'loading' && <Spinner />}
{ error && <Text>{ error.message }</Text>}
{ => (
<ScheduleItem item={item} />
{ status !== 'loading' && status !== 'pending' && <Button onClick={() => reload()}> }
### useUser
import { useUser } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
export default function UserComponent () => {
const { status, data, error, reload } = useUser()
return (
{ status === 'loading' && <Spinner />}
{ error && <Text>{ error.message }</Text>}
{ data &&
<Text>{data.firstName} {data.lastName}</Text>
{ status !== 'loading' && status !== 'pending' && <Button onClick={() => reload()}> }
## Fake mode
To make testing easier, fake mode can be enabled at login. Just use any of the magic
personal numbers: `12121212121212`, `201212121212` or `1212121212`.
The returned login status will have `token` set to `'fake'`.
import { useApi } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
import { useApi } from '@skolplattformen/hooks'
export default function LoginController () {
const { api, isLoggedIn } = useApi()
const [personalNumber, setPersonalNumber] = useState()
const [bankIdStatus, setBankIdStatus] = useState('')
api.on('login', () => { /* do login stuff */ })
api.on('logout', () => { /* do logout stuff */ })
const doLogin = async () => {
const status = await api.login(personalNumber)
if (status.token !== 'fake') {
} else {
// Login will succeed
// All data will be faked
// No server calls will be made
return (
<Input value={personalNumber} onChange={(value) = setPersonalNumber(value)} />
<Button onClick={() => doLogin()}>
<Text>Logged in: {isLoggedIn}</Text>