Peter Wickenberg Piteball
Piteball synced commits to main at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-04-10 01:46:31 +00:00
c0e6ce9e06 chore: 🤖 Bumped version to 3.0.10 (#672)
c9907a68b6 Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#669)
320ab1f1f5 Merge pull request #671 from kolplattformen/chore/v3.0.9
7962234e26 chore: 🤖 Bumped version to 3.0.9
b66f56b312 Update Podfile.lock
Compare 8 commits »
Piteball synced commits to refs/notes/semantic-release at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-04-10 01:46:31 +00:00
0c5eec746d Notes added by 'git notes add'
Piteball synced commits to refs/pull/670/head at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-04-10 01:46:31 +00:00
eba596963f test: 💍 fixed failing tests
Piteball synced commits to refs/tags/v2.16.1 at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-04-10 01:46:31 +00:00
Piteball synced new reference refs/tags/v2.16.1 to Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-04-10 01:46:31 +00:00
Piteball synced and deleted reference fix/change-timetable-urls2 at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-04-10 01:46:30 +00:00
Piteball synced and deleted reference weblate-translations at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-04-10 01:46:30 +00:00
Piteball synced commits to fix/change-timetable-urls2 at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-04-09 01:16:47 +00:00
Piteball synced new reference fix/change-timetable-urls2 to Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-04-09 01:16:47 +00:00
Piteball synced commits to refs/pull/669/head at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-03-17 22:25:16 +00:00
6f8f175c34 Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Piteball synced commits to weblate-translations at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-03-17 22:25:15 +00:00
6f8f175c34 Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Piteball synced commits to master at Piteball/chatgpt from mirror 2024-02-22 17:54:27 +00:00
d4d07f2fe3 dall-e-3 support
22dff7f214 dall-e-3 support
Compare 2 commits »
Piteball synced commits to weblate-translations at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-02-13 21:58:40 +00:00
0720017cec Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
aa81f10912 Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
c367449fa3 Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
c93e27bec0 fix: 🐛 Site moved to new url
Compare 4 commits »
Piteball synced commits to main at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-02-13 21:58:39 +00:00
c93e27bec0 fix: 🐛 Site moved to new url
Piteball synced commits to main at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-02-13 13:47:59 +00:00
84ddda3f46 Update routes.ts
Piteball synced commits to weblate-translations at Piteball/skolplattformen-backup from mirror 2024-02-13 13:47:59 +00:00
4fb9018c9b Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
496e912edd Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
34eea9e237 Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
84ddda3f46 Update routes.ts
Compare 4 commits »
Piteball synced commits to lineage-18.1 at Piteball/ripee_local_manifests from mirror 2023-12-23 18:43:48 +00:00
e0829f37e6 Initialize gts210ltexx
Piteball synced commits to lineage-18.1 at Piteball/ripee_local_manifests from mirror 2023-12-23 02:33:48 +00:00
d324896948 Initialize gts210ltexx
Piteball synced commits to lineage-18.1 at Piteball/ripee_local_manifests from mirror 2023-12-22 18:23:48 +00:00
b4033642ac Initialize gts210ltexx
Piteball synced commits to lineage-18.1 at Piteball/ripee_local_manifests from mirror 2023-12-21 18:03:48 +00:00
7f36413ac1 Initialize gts210ltexx